
“h4x0r 1n m3″ – Developing a Hacker’s Behaviour

To obtain the status of a Hacker, You Have To Want It, and You Have To Earn It. It is not something that can really be taught, it is only something you can learn for yourself, although I can attempt to help guide you.

Although hackers are substantially different people with unique personalities, they mysteriously all seem to lead similar lifestyles.

 Dressing Style: Clothes can range from your typical nerdy suit with pocket protectors and suspenders as if their mom still dresses them, to a gothic/techno-rave homemade looking getup. Considering the fact that hackers exist all over the world, you can’t really place their style of clothing into a particular group; the most famous however is hoodies and shades, kind of like a gangster as it makes one appear very incognito (even though the paleness from lack of sunlight gives them away).

Linux isn’t exactly the same as Windows.

You’d be amazed how many people make this complaint. They come to Linux, expecting to find essentially a free, open-source version of Windows. Quite often, this is what they’ve been told to expect by over-zealous Linux users. However, it’s a paradoxical hope.

The specific reasons why people try Linux vary wildly, but the overall reason boils down to one thing: They hope Linux will be better than Windows. Common yardsticks for measuring success are cost, choice, performance, and security. There are many others. But every Windows user who tries Linux, does so because they hope it will be better than what they’ve got.
Therein lies the problem.
It is logically impossible for any thing to be better than any other thing whilst remaining completely identical to it. A perfect copy may be equal, but it can never surpass. So when you gave Linux a try in hopes that it would be better, you were inescapably hoping that it would be different. Too many people ignore this fact, and hold up every difference between the two OSes as a Linux failure.

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